Wednesday, January 19


oOooppsss... HOliday has arriveee!! yahooooO!!!!!! A short post for today,teaching all of you "How to have V shape type of small face and 3D type of lips" i think everyone of you wanted to know it desperately ryte?? Make-up can make a person be confident/and most importantly  ugly duck can turns to a princess! That's the miracle of make-up. I loves to buy make-up stuff as it makes me so happy and relax when buying the products.Brand-name that i use are benefit / Mac/ Bobbi Brown.

V shape type of small face
Things that you need:
  1. Dark and Bright cheek powder (Eg.dark brown and white)
  2. 2 Brush- To have a Clean and Wonderful make-up,Brush must be separated.

  • From the edge of your ears,brush straight to the side of your lips
  • From the edge of your ears,brush own towards your face line
  • Lastly from the side of your ears brush the edge of your face line.
The 3 steps above uses dark colour and for the light colour you can highlight your t-zone,cheek bone,position just below your lips and forehead area.

3D Lips

Things you need:
  • Transparent and pinkish lip gloss
  • Lip brush

*Choose any colour and match together with transparency gloss.

  1. Put pink lip gloss on the middle portion as pic 1
  2. Use transparency gloss to fill in the rest of your lips
  3. Use your brush to swipe inwards and combine 2 colours
To have a 3D lips/V shape small face,concealer do helps alot.Put some concealer on the edge of your lips or pimples.Lastly,brush your cheek with pinkish glittery cheek powder!!Okay,thats all for todayy!!Shopping later @ Suria!! Yeappyy!!

Happy Thaipusam to all of you!!

Monday, January 17

Honeymoon Location

Did you every wonder where should you go during your honeymoon?? Did you ever wonder why couples get argue during honeymoon?? Do you know why isit call honey moon? Let me tell u, Honeymoon came from a tradition where all couples that just celebrate their wedding are provided with 2 cups of honey wine to increase their feel in sex and to welcome the new born life.

Place that couples must avoid during honeymoon:

1st-(To people who likes modern buildings and clean environment)
Thailand are cheap,but the environment are not romantic enough and most of the tourist location are OLD and DIRTY. Definitely not a good place for honeymoon.I trust that if you plan to have  honeymoon,you should not be stingy,spend your money and get deep memories from that location.Thailand are recommended for family trip.


This two location = romantic with all the snows,but think carefully,during the whole year we are in summer temperature( average of 27-36 degrees),but in can VVancouver/Hokkaido their temperature : below 30 degree. For the first day you may feel fun,but honeymoon average days are 8-10 days.You will feel unwell/headache and uncomfortable. Reasons: All cabs use heater,which Asian does not use at all result in nose uncomfortable.When you came down from cab,the temperature is below 30 degrees.Hot to cold,cold to hot result in coughing and sneezing! Do you wan your honeymoon to be like this??

Last:New York , Paris

Girls like shopping which boy doesn't like,boys are impatient when they shop together with girls. Argue occurs easily as people's patients has a limit.But if both of you likes shopping,this place is recommended.

Place that i recommend:


Beautiful island where you can dive/snookering/relax/spa and more. Oceans can makes us to relax our mind and they provide alot of honeymoon package.

To all: the above are recommendation from me,you all can use it as a guide,but if you are unhappy with this post you can close it and stay tuned for the next post. Thank You!!

Friday, January 14

Chocolate temptation

Just finish my FAF paper this morning,2 more papers to go! Do pray for me.. hehe.. thanks in advance.

My topic for today is to teach everyone, How to make chocolate by your own.

Before i can start, all you have to need is a Molds for chocolate/Brush/Cooking chocolate/Fillings/ spoons/temperature.

CAUTION! No water should come into contact with chocolate while tempering!!
It is necessary to temper chocolate when using it for molding or dipping. For any fillings,pure chocolate or baking chocolate can be used without tempering.

1st-Break choc into small pieces and place it in a bowl over hot,NO BOILING,water.
 - Stir occasionally until choc melt and temperature is 46 degree Celsius - 48 degree Celsius. IF temperature exceed,chocolate is RUINED.

2nd- Remove the bowl from saucepan and set in ice water,stirring carefully until choc begins to set on the bottom.Then warm the choc carefully over hot water until the temperature is
  • Dark chocolate 31degree c
  • Milk/White chocolate 29 degree c
If you have exceed the temperature,tempering process should BEGIN AGAIN!

              This is how chocolate mold looks like.


Solid Choc
  1.  Molds must be clean and dry
  2. Fill mold with melted choc and tap on table to remove air bubbles
  3. Chill mold in freezer until set (approx 3 minutes)
  4. Tap mold gently to remove choc
Filled Choc
  1.  Quarter fill the mold with melted choc and tap to remove bubble
  2. Brush evenly up the side of the mold to make a shell and freeze to set (approx 2 minutes)
  3. Add your desire fillings eg.nuts/ fruit
  4. Fill top with melted choc and tap gently to remove air bubbles
  5. Return to freezer to set (approx 3 minutes),remove and gently tap out choc.
Marbled Choc
  1.   Spoon a little white and dark choc separately into 2 dish
  2. With a tablespoon swirl the white into the dark choc to make marble patterns
  3. Gently scoop up choc and fill mold evenly
  4. Tap to remove bubbles and freeze until set (approx 3 minutes).Then Tap out Choc

Note: 225 g compound choc makes 25-30 chocolate shells or 10-20 whole choc(depending on size of molds)
Go now to your supermarket and get the things bought and mess up your kitchen with choc!! Tasty/Lovely and Romantic. Affordable and creative.No matter what,i wish all of you good luck in making your personalised choc. The first time you may fail.Learn from mistake and i'm sure u'll be sucess for the second time.

Wednesday, January 12

Actual Anniversary..

                            Second anniversary gift : Cotton!!

Do you know wat are the theme for yearly anniversary? You can think of your present to your partners according to all this theme. Today i will share the 1st to 10th,25th, 50th, 75th anniversary them to all of you as today is me and my boyfriend's first anniversary. Unluckily he's off for company's team building and i'm having exams,the above reasons causes us to delay our anniversary date till he's back to my hometown. Sometimes our relationship turns sour, sometimes spicy and for sure to have sweet,but i thank him that he had gone through the whole year with me by giving his love and care to me. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Bii...!!Lots of love.

Okay-back to the topic,i'll start from:

1st anniversary-Paper

On your paper anniversary,you can pour your heart out in a love latter or to make him personal horoscope or to offer your partner a voucher as a gift.
Not too costly but to use your heart and find out wat gift to choose.

2nd anniversary- Cotton

Celebration must be simple and classy-
Eg. second honeymoon with your partners

3rd anniversary-Leather

It can be a leather wallet with something to spend inside or a leather bound photo album where inside are the photos that you and your partners had taken during the years after marriage.

4th anniversary-Linen

A new bedlinen or a cushion for bed will be perfect for your 4th year anniversary gift....

5th anniversary-Wood

In Wales, elaborately carved wooden 'lovespoons' have been given for centuries. The term 'spooning' - meaning 'romancing' - originates from this Welsh tradition. An alternative gift to each other could be a romantic visit to a log cabin

6th anniversary- Iron


7th anniversary- Wool

you can choose a new sweater for your partners as a gift and bring him/her up to the mountain and have a look at the whole city or the stars and make a wish.

8th anniversary-Bronze

9th anniversary: Pottery
Stylish ceramics make perfect pottery presents. Use your talent during the 9th anniversary where you can go to the nearest local pottery cafe to create a personalised masterpiece for your partners.

10th anniversary: Tin
At ten years old, your marriage is getting all grown up and hopefully, more mature. To celebrate a decade of togetherness, why not break out the jelly and ice cream and hold a tenth birthday party for your marital relationship? Invite your friends and family over to join in the fun.

25th anniversary : Silver
50th anniversary :Gold
75th anniversary :Diamond

I'm now end with the anniversary list, i wish every couple to be soft, sweet and fantasy through out the year of 2011 and do appreciate what your partners had done for you.

Stay tuned for my next post and thanks for the support!!
Ps:This post may be boring!!

Tuesday, January 11

Are you satisfy with your inner-part?

Its been a busy week for me as i am having my final exam now,just hope that it will pass as soon as possible so that i can really relax during my holidays without any stress or rushing of assignments. New year is around the corner,are u all excited about it?? For me,i'm excited coz i'll get alots of red angpau and to taste good food that can't be taste during normal season. I'm sure that everyone wants to be as pretty as possible during the festival so that we can show our best to everyone. 
I would like to recommend you:

          NH f'rm-plus(optimum bust-nourishing drinking formula)

NH f'rm-plus contains of pueraria mirifica,sea buckthorn, marine protein, and passion fruit.

PUERARIA MIRIFICA-contains of 13 types of phytoestrogens which have similar structures to human estrogen.They work together with estrogen to promote the growth of glandular and fibrous tissues as well as breast cells in the breast.

SEA BUCKTHORN- rich in antioxidate flavonoids and works effectively to protect the skin against free radical damages and delay ageing for smooth and youthful breast skin.

MARINE PROTEIN- 17 types of amino acids that repair and strengthen breasts' fibrous support structure and boost flexibility of the suspensory ligament for firmer and perkier breasts. It is also an important element for a radiant and supple breast skin.

PASSION FRUIT- rich in vitamin A,vitamin C, iron, folate, and other nutrients to help promote the healthy growth of breast and skin.

Why choose NH f'rm-plus??
  • Japanese formula suitable for Asian women.
  • Active bust-nourishing essences.
  • Delicious and ready to drink anytime.
  • Utilizes the latest BIO-Technology to five fuller and firmer breasts in just two weeks
  • Safe
  • All natural ingredients/side-effects
  • Suits for long time consumption
  • Claim that it does not put in colouring/preservatives/and coloring
Whats the effect after drinking?
  1. Promotes the growth of fibrous tissue to firm and reshape loosened breasts
  2. Repairs and strengthens the suspensory ligament for structural support and uplift breasts
  3. Activates the growth of breast glandular tissue and promotes accumulation of fat in the breast tissue for breast enlargement
  4. Supplies nutrients and retains moisture for smooth and supple breast skin
  5. Reduce the accumulation of melanin to lighten dark nipples 
Do NH f'rm-plus gone through clinical trail?


*Consume of 1 bottle per day for 30 days
*Test of 100 Asian women (Aged:18-50)

Who should try??
  1. People who desire fuller and perkier breast
  2. Imperfect growth,flat,small.and unsymmetrical breasts
  3. Rough and dark breast skin
  4. Suffer from dark-nipples as well as saggy,shrunken,droopy,wide-apart, breast due to breastfeeding,menopause,weight loss,or hormone imbalance.

Recommended drinking method
Day 1-10 - one bottle per day (i.e drink on an empty stomach or before bedtime)
Day 11 and onwards- one bottle every alternate day
After 3 months- one bottle every 3 days

Where to Buy?
  1. Guardian
  2. Watson
  3. Daily Care & etc.
Average price
  1. 6 bottles- RM 88.80
  2. 12 bottles- RM 154

With this post i sincerely hope that it will help you through your beauty life and i can say that my family member tried it and is effective.Before i end my post i would like to say Happy Chinese New Year and Good Luck to everyone!!